
Food Photography with Jessica Furniss

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There are some people who are able to create a niche for themselves. If you want your recipes to look larger than life and convey its real taste, then Meet Jessica Furniss!

She is known for sharing her love for food and photography. She has a full-time business, Spiffy Eats & Giggle Water. She has spent years honing her food photography skills before engaging herself into the business. Her vibrant food photography helps dietitians and nutritionists reach their dream clients. She is spotted on magazine covers, billboards, television spots and online publications. Everywhere her love and passion for food and photography speaks a thousand words.

So, look no further if you are in desperate need of creating stunning food photos. Be a part of her Instagram and get the secret recipe to edit and create food photos that are truly incredible.

Good to know - Jessica loves spending her time with her dog, baking in her small Alabama kitchen and making visits to the farmers market. She binge-watches The Gilmore Girls.

Her Instagram Page: Click Here


Proper etiquette involves using formal titles like Mr., Mrs., or Ms. and listing names clearly. For couples, list both names alphabetically or traditionally, depending on preference.

Traditionally, Mr. & Mrs. is used (e.g., Mr. and Mrs. John Smith). However, modern etiquette allows for Mrs. & Mr. if the wife’s name comes first.

For a married couple, use Mr. and Mrs. John Smith traditionally. If they have different last names, write Mr. John Smith and Ms. Jane Doe.

Address it as Mr. and Mrs. John Smith Jr. to include the suffix. Ensure the "Jr." is included to avoid confusion with senior family members.

Traditionally, Mr. comes first (e.g., Mr. and Mrs. John Smith). However, modern etiquette allows for flexibility, so you can list names in any order that feels right.